At first, I was thinking that this summer was going to be slow. But as I am planning and things are coming together, it looks as though it will actually be pretty busy. There are projects and promotions that are coming, so keep an eye out! There are personal goals that I’ve set that I’m pretty excited about! I’m also taking this summer to focus more on Photography full time. Taking pictures and editing is easy. But then you have to think about the business side too. You have to think about marketing, bookkeeping, the whole works.
It’s weird, because while most find the summer to be for going to the beach, traveling, and resting – I find it for reflecting, learning, trying something new. I promise, I’m not a boring old lady, I absolutely LOVE going to the beach and I’ll for sure be talking about the beach throughout the summer. I enjoy getting tanned like the rest of you. 🙂

Summer is like the end of the year for me because sometimes the busy-ness of life seems to slow down for just a little bit during these months. One year I used my summer and took a pottery class and started ballroom dancing lessons. This summer, on top of personal photography projects, I’m definitely going to focus on two major things related to improving my physical and mental well-being. I’m not much of a reader as I used to be, but I’m planning to get through at least 1 book each month. Then re-establishing the work out routine that I need to have (but I won’t get much into those details yet).
But mostly, I do want to start giving some sneak peeks on a photography project that I will be working on. If you know how I am as a photographer, you will know that I absolutely love black and white. Mainly because I find so much more emotional connection with the image. Black and white mutes distractions and focuses in on the very essence of the subject that is captured. If I could only be a black and white photographer, I would absolutely love it! Anyways, I’m taking the summer to do a this series with a few models. It is definitely going to be different in some way style wise, but also still relatively the same. I will get into further details as I share images, but I’m excited to share with you all!
I would love to hear about your summer plans! Are you doing any traveling? Do you have a reading list? Have you set any goals?